The future belongs to outsiders is connected to Marvin Minsky's concept of Artificial Intelligence. His studies can be considered as a core element in this field, because he was able to introduce a new perspective concerning this issue, which made the Artificial Intelligence became an independent discipline. 

For this specific project, the most relevant theories were the ones showed in the book "The society of mind" from is inspired this project. According to Minsky, the real intelligence comes from a set of processes that are part of our interaction with modern society. 

In other words, our mind which is not a monad, undergoes a set of inputs that will be more and more intense due to the evolution of modern technologies. The opportunities we actually have, thanks to the use of modern technologies, will break down the barriers between the different generations allowing the development of a contamination between different realities. 
The contamination will develop on different levels that will allow us to make a real and effective experience of those processes.

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